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Quick Description:
Coral Flow Coral Light

WYSIWYG – You’ll receive the exact coral shown in the photo. All corals come mounted on a 3/4" frag plug unless specified otherwise.


Bubble Coral (Plerogyra)

Lighting Requirements: Moderate

Water Flow: Low to Medium

Care Level: Moderate

Placement: Middle to Lower Levels

Temperament: Aggressive

Bubble Coral is a striking, LPS coral known for its large, fleshy, bubble-like polyps that can inflate to give it a unique, “puffed up” appearance. Its tentacles are round and translucent, often with hints of green, brown, or purple, making it a visually captivating addition to any reef tank. This coral’s distinctive shape and size allow it to stand out, especially when fully extended and pulsing with water flow.

Bubble Coral thrives under moderate lighting and prefers low to medium water movement to keep its polyps fully extended and healthy. While it relies on photosynthesis through its symbiotic zooxanthellae, it will also benefit from occasional feedings of plankton or coral foods to encourage growth and vibrant coloration.

Despite its soft appearance, Bubble Coral is considered an aggressive species. Its long, stinging tentacles can harm or sting nearby corals, so it should be placed with adequate space to prevent conflicts with other tank inhabitants.