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Quick Description:
Coral Flow Coral Light

WYSIWYG – You’ll receive the exact coral shown in the photo. All corals come mounted on a 3/4" frag plug unless specified otherwise.


Mushroom Coral (Discosoma spp., Ricordea spp., Rhodactis spp.)

Lighting Requirements: Low to Moderate

Water Flow: Low to Medium

Care Level: Easy

Placement: Lower to Middle Levels

Temperament: Peaceful

Mushroom Corals are a favorite among hobbyists due to their vibrant colors, hardy nature, and ease of care. They include species from the genera Discosoma, Ricordea, and Rhodactis, each of which has its own unique look. These soft corals are characterized by their rubbery, disk-like polyps that can come in a range of colors, from rich blues and greens to bright oranges and reds. Over time, they can form large colonies, spreading across rocks and substrates to create an attractive, natural look in the reef aquarium.

Mushroom corals are adaptable and easy to care for, making them perfect for beginners. They thrive in low to moderate lighting and prefer low to medium water flow. While they rely primarily on photosynthesis through their symbiotic zooxanthellae, they will also benefit from occasional supplemental feeding of plankton or small coral foods, promoting healthy growth and vibrant coloration.

Known for their peaceful nature, Mushroom Corals are ideal for most reef tanks and can coexist with a variety of other non-aggressive species. However, they should be given enough space to expand, as they can grow and potentially smother nearby corals or rockwork if crowded.